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2010-08-21 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm... Thought that would be better than a sword XD
2010-08-22 [Rice]: LMAO so he knows over five langauges and is learning more and also knows over four different martial arts. 8/ No offense but...this seems a little far fetched. And at only 23 XD...it takes like years to become fluent in a langauge and even longer to study a martial art.
2010-08-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: Its possible. it says he knows four different marcial arts, not mastered, knows a little of this and a little of that type thing I presume.
2010-08-22 [Rice]: I would hope so since mastering four seperate martial arts at that age is just not possible. But, for the langauges I'm still a little hazy, I mean yes if the person were older but at 23...it seems a little like WOAH! Even child prodigies haven't mastered that many 8/ And the fact it doesn't link to his power also. I don't know maybe it will work! XD I'm just cynical.
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles and shrugs* Why is that so hard to believe? But of course if you have to be that limited then just look, never said he has mastered the languages fluently but knows them, that can easily be just above tourist level if you really have to have such a hard time believing a human can be smart enough to learn languages that easily I personally learned two different accents or what to call them of Norwegian ^^' In one year, well hardly even that, so what's the problem in that?
2010-08-22 [Rice]: There is a big difference between two accents and a large majority of langauges. It took me ages to learn Russian but half of that was down to learning the alphabet since they decided to not onclude some letters XP. But then I guess there is a difference between learning a langauge that has its own alphabet and symbols than German or French. I guess since I'm not what you'd call gifted with langauges I just find it very hard to imagine. But like I said before, just because I have my doubts doesn't mean I'm saying OMG CHANGE IT THATS IMPOSSIBLE BLARH! And I'm not looking for a debate...I hate them..they drive me nuts. XD
2010-08-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: coolios.
2010-08-22 [Rice]: *pelvic thrusts*..I have no idea
2010-08-22 [Veltzeh]: I'd studied five languages when I was 14 (because they didn't offer more languages! X)) and if I'd been serious about learning them, I'd have been fairly fluent at four of them. Can't say about martial arts.
2010-08-22 [Rice]: Lucky. I just about learnt Russian but when I started to study Japanese it was like suddenly my Russian was being kicked out of my head by the Japanese trying to get comfy XD
2010-08-22 [Veltzeh]: Nowadays I just know two languages properly, heh. Though Swedish wouldn't be hard to get into.
2010-08-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: Im fluent in two and know two more. planning on learning a couple of others.
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* Okay and well not really that much of a difference, not if you look at Norwegian Bokmål and New Norwegian as the two actually dialects are named ^^ But yeah no matter, I mainly learn the pronunciation first then the spelling and symbols and such when leaning a language and I've only studied those I've come in contact with somehow really, while Erik has been strictly taught them from child, so for my part then it's not really something that I find surprising but yeah I have also been rather gifted with languages and in contrast to sports in general then also with martial arts so yeah, but like with me then with him martial arts isn't about kicking butt, but defending himself and people he care about ^^
2010-08-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: which is always the main point in Marcial arts.
2010-08-22 [Rice]: I can't do martial arts 8/ I'd love to but I can't...back problems in the family and any sort of long drawn out exercises can cause a slip disk in the back. I got one once and don't fancy doing it again.
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* It's supposed to be at least, but yeah unfortunately a lot of people see it more as a way to better beat up people.... But yeah guess it's that thinking that made me so desirable amongst the clubs I has been in ^^'
2010-08-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: I cant do them either, I have hip problems sometimes.
2010-08-22 [Veltzeh]: When I practised martial arts, I was always told they're more of a lifestyle than sports, which is why I never managed to train more than a year at the most and got stuck at yellow belt level. I was also told it wouldn't take long (less than a decade I think) to reach black belt – but the ACTUAL training only starts when one has the least of black belts!
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* I got my own problems that keeps me from doing most other sports so yeah XP
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: And well usually always got rather far in martial arts but yeah always happened something so we had to move or change club... Like one club was that "You aren't a true martial artist if you don't got scars or bruises" and well me and my family always had the idea that if you are a true martial artist you won't have that XD Either you avoid fighting all together or make sure that at least people as possible has scars or bruises at the end.... Oh well ^^
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: Or rather actually it was one of the trainers there that unfortunately had to train us all the time... There was some other things including his son which also went to the club but yeah most forgotten and rather have it stay that way XP
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